
Hello! My name is Delaney and I'm the creator of Battle Cat Nap. I started this project back in college, but it's evolved almost beyond recognition in the years since. I've had to scale down virtually every aspect of it, and still the scope of this project tests my limits at every turn. I've learned Blender to model an entire 3D world for the background, forced myself to commit to coloring the whole dang thing, and continue to push myself to get this project out into the world, chapter by chapter. Still, none of this would exist without the immensely generous help of my partner, Cullen, who's spent countless hours as my techie mentor and built custom tools for my needs.

Battle Cat Nap started as an idea for an animated series. While I would still love for it to be an animation one day, I decided my efforts were best put towards creating a web comic that could double as a storyboard for the show if ever I had the team, funds, and ability to execute it. For now, I hope this web comic can reach an audience who will enjoy it for what it is.